God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find out when this shaking begins.
God is working so hard to get us to understand FAMILY!
It is only because we are corrected now that God delivers us from the Great Tribulation.
The Philadelphia Church of God headquarters campus in Edmond, Oklahoma, is currently hosting an archaeological exhibit called ‘Seals of Isaiah and King Hezekiah Discovered.’ These tiny clay seal impressions deliver a powerful message relevant to your life.
Matthew 24 explains the four horsemen of the apocalypse, some of the most terrifying symbols in the Bible. This chapter also foretells the inspiring conclusion to what will be the worst suffering in human history.
The human mind is capable of so much more than the animal brain. Discover the spiritual component that unlocks your incredible potential.
The Bible prophesies of a battle between a European king of the north and the king of the south, led by radical Islam. But the nation of Jordan will be protected. We need to know why.
In the Bible, God reveals the identities of important leaders—leaders of the past, present and future. The Bible shows that God is using a specific personality in power today to save America temporarily.
Donald Trump has promised to make America great again. Can he succeed? The Bible says America will return to greatness—but not because of any man.
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln changed the course of American history through righteous leadership. Learn the source of their strength—and how you too can draw from it.
Carrying on the work of Herbert W. Armstrong
The Bible is a mystery to most people—even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Here is how to remove the mystery from the Bible.
Many authorities tell us that America is going the way of ancient Rome, but it’s even worse than that. America is under attack from a real but invisible army.
We all face problems and challenges in everyday life. Learn about the power available to you that will help you rise above any obstacle.
The United States Constitution is under attack. Some Americans want to uphold and apply every word, but others want to radically change and eventually abolish this foundational document. Which side is right? Learn what makes the Constitution different from any other document in history.
Your Bible describes a terrifying end-time event known as “the abomination of desolation.” Learn where and how this event will unfold. Understand what this event means for true Christians.
Psalm 137 paints a terrifying prophetic picture of a tragedy about to befall a great many of God’s people.
Archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem make the Bible come alive. Learn about the latest Earth-shaking discovery in the Holy City—and the significance it holds for every person on the planet—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
The official seal of a Judean king holds a moving message for God’s people and for the whole world.