ANGOLA—I had traveled to Ondjiva City on Friday morning (February 14) and in the afternoon was headed back to my work residence in Chiulo. Due to the distance, I was not going to be able to travel to Lubango to be with my family this Sabbath. At around 1:30 p.m., I went to the bus station in Ondjiva where I would catch a taxi, a public transport van.
I was the first to get in the van, so I took the passenger seat in front. That’s where something unusual happened. It was as if someone told me, “Move from this place!” Immediately, I got out and sat in the back right behind the driver. The van filled up, and we embarked on our journey.
To keep myself busy during the trip, I started reading a book. In the middle of the trip, at one point, I felt was a shock on my head, and I blacked out. For a moment, everything went dark! A few seconds later, I heard screams in the car. When I looked in front, I saw that we had been involved in an accident!
A car that came from the opposite direction, as the driver was trying to dodge a pothole, crossed into our lane, hitting our van on the front passenger side! The passenger in the front seat where I initially sat suffered most. He and three other passengers had to be immediately evacuated to the hospital.
A recent sermonette about a still, small voice came in my mind! I listened to the voice that said, “Move from this seat,” and as a result, God saved me from severe injuries and maybe even death.
We are very grateful for all prayers and the divine answers, which are great miracles. For sure, it was God who performed this miracle!