In 2 Peter 1:10, the Apostle Peter gives us crucial admonition to have success in our Christian life. He writes, “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure ….” We can all agree that making our calling and election sure is paramount in our lives. Have we taken the time to examine just how diligent we really are? Measuring our diligence is vital to making our calling and election sure.
We review this scripture often. It is easy to read it, agree, and carry on. Our human nature loves to be seen as good but not actually do good. Accurately measuring our diligence requires the standard of God’s truth.
The Greek word in 2 Peter 1:10 translated “give diligence” means “to use speed, to make effort, be prompt or earnest: endeavour, labour, study.” It is the same Greek word translated “study” in 2 Timothy 2:15. Here we see the Apostle Paul making a similar point. The level of diligence in our spiritual labor determines whether we are “approved unto God.” So how are we doing?
Webster’s Dictionary defines diligence as a “steady, earnest, and energetic effort.” Diligence is not just putting in the effort once, or into one subject, or one event. Diligence is always doing. It is always striving. It is always consistent. Diligence is an acquired trait through habitual practice. It is something we must work at—continually. Just like strengthening a muscle, it takes consistency and effort to become diligent. And God expects that from us! Diligence must be our way of life. That is precisely what Mr. Armstrong wrote in the August 1981 Good News. “This kind of Christian life—the only kind that truly is Christian—requires, as the Bible emphasizes repeatedly, zealous diligence. You must concentrate on it. You must be dedicated to it. It requires utter consecration. It requires total earnestness.”
Through the words of three of God’s apostles we can clearly see how important it is for us to be diligent Christians.
In measuring our diligence, we can ask ourselves: Am I studying each issue of the Royal Vision and Trumpet magazines? Am I keeping up with the Key of David programs? How earnest are my prayers? Are they the result of energetic, devoted, painstaking work? Am I consistent in fasting?
The Bible also reveals diligence is required not only in our spiritual lives but in all that our hand finds to do! Measuring must reach into our physical duties as well!
In Luke 16:10-11, Jesus Christ said, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” Are we just as diligent when it comes to keeping our finances in order or dressing and keeping our physical environment? Are we diligent employees, homemakers, students? As we covered already, God expects diligence as a way of life. We must strive to be diligent Christians in our spiritual duties as well as the material ones.
The Proverbs repeatedly emphasize the importance of diligence in our physical responsibilities. Read Proverbs 10:4, 12:24, 21:5, 22:29. These all show the blessings and opportunities that come from being diligent. Our diligence in the material responsibilities has a definite corollary to the spiritual. We must measure these aspects as well. Mr. Armstrong certainly did!
In his Ten Daily Questions, question number eight was: “Have I, while putting spiritual interests first, been diligent in performing regular material duties today, doing my very best?” Review those questions! It will certainly help to measure your diligence. Diligence is emphatically connected to all 10 questions!
In Hebrews 11:6, God reveals that He “is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Every ounce of effort we put into our calling today is going to reap a wonderful reward. Stephen Flurry wrote in the July 1997 Philadelphia Trumpet, “The Bible is clear on this fact. Those who are diligent about their business now will be rewarded greatly when Christ returns. But God wants to bless us even now, in this life, if we are diligent.”
As we measure our diligence, don’t become discouraged. We can all grow in this area. And that is exciting! Bring God into your measuring. Ask God to help you see where you can be more diligent—and more like He is. The more Christ is living in us, the more diligent we will be. Being diligent is being faithful to our calling! It is vitally important for us to be measured in this area. The greatest reward God has to give awaits the diligent.
Let’s take time to measure our diligence.