A Lesson From Socks and Shoes
Championships start with the basics.

John Wooden is considered one of the greatest basketball coaches in history. He died in 2010 at the age of 99, but he left a lasting legacy of coaching success. He most famously coached the ucla Bruins men’s basketball team from 1945-78. Over that time, the Bruins won 10 national championships, including a record seven in a row! Of course, the success of any team is largely determined by their leader. How was Coach Wooden so successful? What can we learn from his example?

For Coach Wooden, success began at the first practice of the year. He would gather all his players together, and looking into their eager faces, give them their first instruction: “Listen up gentleman! I am going to show you how to put on your socks!”


The players—all of whom were highly skilled and accomplished athletes—would have been shocked by this basic instruction. After all, what 19-year-old young man does not know how to put on his socks? In fact, they were already wearing their socks! Nevertheless, Wooden insisted that they take their socks off and put them on again his way.

Once their socks were on, Coach Wooden would give his players their second instruction: “Focus here fellas! I’m going to now teach you how to tie your shoes!”


How would you react if you were given these instructions on your first day of practice? Would you get angry that your age and skill level was being insulted and reluctantly pull off your socks and untie your shoes? Would you just stomp on out, thinking: This is not for me? Many of the ucla players did not understand the point of these rules at first, but Coach Wooden was teaching his players a foundational lesson: that success begins with following the rules. Besides this foundational lesson, Coach Wooden also did not want his players to develop blisters on their feet.

Sometimes you might receive an instruction from your parents, a teacher, or a coach that does not seems unimportant. It might seem to be just a small rule—or even nonsensical at the moment—but as Christ taught in Luke 16:10: “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”

Coach Wooden wanted his players to build championship habits. He knew that those players who diligently followed the smallest rules could eventually be counted on in the biggest games. He understood the vital importance of following the rules, no matter how basic. This is a biblical principle that we also see in the book of Joshua.

After Moses died, God used Joshua to lead ancient Israel into the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1-2). Before beginning this great task, God gave Joshua some vital instruction about the importance of following His rules: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success” (Joshua 1:8). God wants you to be prosperous and have good success like Joshua today! But like Joshua, you must follow God’s rules.

Joshua 1:8 gives some practical steps on how you can follow God’s rules!

First, you must study the rules. God told Joshua: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth ….” For God’s law to be in your mouth, it must first be in your mind (Luke 6:45). You must also know the rules for your home, school and job.

Once you know the rules, you must then meditate on them. God told Joshua to meditate on His law day and night. It must be directing you all the time—day and night. “Meditate” means “to ponder.” You should think about your words and actions carefully, making sure they align with God’s law.

Thirdly, you must keep all the rules. “Observe to do according to all that is written therein,” God told Joshua. Every rule must be followed—even rules that seem small like how you put on socks and tie shoes.

A fourth step—and sometimes the most difficult—is to have the courage necessary to follow the rules. God says in Joshua 1:7, “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law ….” It often takes real bravery to follow the rules—especially if others are not following them—but Joshua had courage, and you can too! God promises to supply your every need, so be sure to ask Him for courage (Philippians 4:19).

Following the rules leads to success! Joshua successfully led Israel into the Promised Land because of his obedience to God’s law. Coach Wooden successfully led the Bruins to ten championships in 12 years because of his obedience to the rules of basketball.

Become an expert at following all of God’s rules, and you too will have great success!