Arkansas Members Fell 36 Trees for Fundraiser

ARKANSAS—From standing trees to neatly piled stacks of split lumber, the recent fundraiser in Northwest Arkansas was a complete lumberjack experience. On June 30, nine volunteers from the Philadelphia Church of God congregation met at member David Davison’s home in Missouri to offer their helping hands for the day.

Over the course of the day, they chopped down 36 trees. The experienced men instructed how to properly and safely fell a tree. As the morning rolled on, the volunteers settled into an organized production process. When the limbs (correctly referred to as “slash”) were cut off, the ladies would gather and carry them over to large burn piles to be disposed of.

Member Jon Diesner said, “I was amazed by the miracle in the weather. We had perfect temperature and cloud cover, and a light breeze all day. Also, what was really awesome was that most of the workers cut down their own trees. It really gave them an experience they have never had.”

His wife, Becky, said, “I loved how all the brethren worked so hard. Each man cut down a tree. I think that was amazing. Everyone was happy too. It was one of the funnest days ever.”

With each volunteer fulfilling their role, the seemingly monumental task was accomplished relatively quickly. Many stayed to fellowship and eat a home cooked barbecue meal as the evening rolled on. The firewood is estimated to sell for $700.