Small Congregation Makes ‘Sizable Donation’ to Work

ARKANSAS—Members of the Philadelphia Church of God congregation in Northwest Arkansas held their first Mother’s Day flower fundraiser on May 12. Several families sacrificed time and effort for the event.

Most of the flowers arrived the Thursday before the fundraiser, but some were delayed. As Friday drew to a close, the flowers still had not arrived. The members continued to pray, and the flowers finally arrived. A local store also had the exact amount of greenery needed.

Members did final preparations after the Sabbath, with several volunteers showing up to help complete the flower arrangements. There was tangible joy as they anticipated selling the bouquets. Member Wendy Bacon contributed a banner design that attracted customers to the booth.

Member Pam Smith said she was “glad the sale was successful. I was praying that it would be.”

In total, the members arranged and sold 56 bouquets. There was slow but steady traffic throughout the day, with many customers commenting on the quality of the bouquets and appreciating the chance to support a local fundraiser. The final profit was $1,024.54.

Member Ben Baker said, “We were happy that it was successful financially and we could make a more sizable donation to God’s Work as a congregation. No doubt next year we will improve on it and make it even more of a success.”