Don’t Be a Judger of Highway Men
They may be friendlier than you think.

My family and I were on the first of a two-day trip back home from the Feast of Tabernacles in Missoula, Montana. We had recently taken a stop at the site where the Battle of Little Big Horn took place and were on the road again. My dad was on the phone for a while as we entered a stretch with little life to be seen for miles—and we needed gas. Dad had thought we had enough gas to take us to the next stop, but suddenly, we were pulling off the highway as our truck slowly rolled to a stop.

We were all in shock as we realized the miscalculation and its severe consequences. The truck was completely out of commission. Dad immediately got out and started walking towards two men working on a barbed-wire fence just off the highway. Clearly, God had ensured that we would stop right in front of people who could help. As Dad confidently walked up to these two men, I prayed in my head that they would be nice and help us out of our predicament. I have always thought that men who worked on the highway were rough, harsh and tough. I did not consider them to be friendly even though I had never stopped on the side of the highway to talk to one. My perspective would soon change.

As Dad spoke with the two men, we saw one of them take out his phone and call someone working further down the highway. After a few minutes, Dad walked back to the truck with a big smile on his face. I sensed that he was relieved and sort of laughing to himself because of God’s clear intervention. He explained to us that they had a big trailer with gas on the back which could give us enough fuel to reach civilization.

It took several minutes as we watched them ready this massive trailer and slowly drive it down the median of the highway to where we were parked. We all thought that they must be upset that we had stopped them in their work. To compensate, we gathered all the cash we had in order to pay them for the gas and their services.

As the highway workers reached our truck, two men came out and greeted Dad. The one man who filled our empty tank was full of smiles and positivity. He was shocked when Dad pulled out cash to pay them. He joked saying that they should always offer gas on the side of the highway like a lemonade stand! The man gave us enough gas to sustain our vehicle for several more hours. They mentioned to Dad that we would not have made it to the gas station off the exit we had missed. We wondered if God made sure we missed the last exit and had stopped the truck at the right time in order for us to have help.

My family and I were surprised by the friendliness of these highway men, but both men that Dad talked to were positive and willing to help. I know that Dad demonstrated faith in walking up to them—he knew that God was giving us what we needed. I know I would have been nervous in such a situation.

I was humbled as I realized that I had negatively judged these men who worked such tough jobs. Sure, not every one of them are going to be super happy—God probably caused us to interact with those that would be willing to help—but it isn’t our place to judge them harshly. They also have the potential to become members of the God Family! Maybe those men will remember this interaction when they are taught about God’s way of life. Every human is a potential son of God. We must learn to see all men as God sees them today so that we can better help teach them in the coming Kingdom of God.