The Celtic Throne troupe was on the road again after a successful performance the night before. As I dozed in one of the 12-passenger vans, I was jarred awake by the van violently swerving on the highway. I sat up, terrified. My legs felt weak in my seat. Two four-by-four wood planks had slid off the bed of the truck in front of us and narrowly missed our vehicle. Our driver did his best to dodge them, and miraculously, the pieces of wood flew in two opposite directions around our vehicle. It was as if we had a dome around us that had deflected them.
Our driver said he only had time to ask God for help in a few quick words as he saw the wood flying at us. Who knows what would have happened if the wood had crashed into the front windshield! We didn’t want to consider it. All the passengers were in shock after experiencing such a miracle.
The importance of effective prayer was one of the major lessons I learned on the Celtic Throne tour the summer of 2022. Codirector Brad Macdonald emphasized this point at our first meeting about the tour details. He made improving our prayer lives one of our main goals for the tour. We learned to pray daily for every aspect of the tour: protection on the road and on the stage; the health of the entire troupe and crew; the kitchen crew who had to make food in all sorts of conditions; a smooth setup of the stage, lighting and sound; positive attitudes during the practices; effective street performances; the ticket sales; the right patrons; positive interactions after the shows—to name a few. The power of prayer was at the center of the tour.
The above incident was not the only close call on the road. At a different time, cars crashed right behind our vehicle, not far ahead of the next one in our caravan. Our driver could see the wreck happen in the rearview mirror. These miraculous events made us even more aware of the need for God’s protection—a need that He wants us to ask of Him. We would gather together and pray for God’s protection before each leg of our road trip.
We would have group prayers before every show as well. These prayers emphasized that the whole show came about by God’s miraculous power. There were times when some dancers were fatigued or nursing injuries. We simply did not have enough dancers to replace them—God had to intervene, and He did so every time. Before one show, a couple of our vocalists were run down and struggled to sing in practice, but by the time of the performance, they sounded just right!
It was by God’s power that we sustained our physical bodies for the duration of the tour. There was one particular show where I was struggling with a sharp pain in my foot—bad enough that I had to stop during a practice. I knew that if I continued I would be unable to dance during the show, which was only a few hours away.
The backstage moms gave me ointments to rub on my foot and supplements for my muscles. It seemed to me that some bone was out of position. I quickly asked for Mr. Macdonald to anoint me—I needed a miracle. Later, we diagnosed the problem as a result of extreme muscle strain. I could feel the pain when merely walking; I knew dancing would be difficult. The Celtic Throne family was praying as we did our best to massage and mobilize the area.
The pain seemed to be subsiding as the show drew near. I put a bit of tape on my foot for extra support and planned to just dance as hard as I could. I knew that God would intervene as He had in countless miracles throughout the tour—and He did! I was able to dance each number to my fullest.
We also learned to go to God when we found ourselves in strange predicaments. As we drove to one particular theater, Mr. Macdonald alerted us that there was a big obstacle we needed to work around, so we were all praying about this mystery problem. When we arrived, the mystery was revealed: This theater’s curtain was unable to close! Thankfully, we only had to adjust a few entrances and exits in order to accommodate. We learned to put little difficulties such as this into God’s hands, and He would inspire the perfect solutions.
The Celtic Throne tour relies on miracles; God’s entire Work relies on miracles—and so should your life. This is the lesson we learned through the Celtic Throne tour. God is always there, waiting for us to ask for His intervention. We don’t need to hesitate to ask Him even for the smallest things. There are endless things to ask God for—the different departments of the Work, the brethren in your congregation, your own family—and He wants to hear it from you! Go to God. Ask for and expect miracles.