Personal Appearance Campaigns Launch Again After Four Years

OKLAHOMA—After over 30 campaigns in three countries and 15 states in 1994, 1999, 2000, 2006-2008 and 2017-2019, the PhiladelphiaTrumpet presented three personal appearance campaigns during May and June in Ohio, Delaware and North Carolina. Members of northeastern Philadelphia Church of God congregations volunteered at each campaign, one of which was given by Trumpet editor-in-chief Gerald Flurry and the other two of which were given by executive editor and Trumpet Daily host Stephen Flurry.

The theme of the campaigns was “America in Crisis,” a theme Mr. Gerald Flurry has used for campaigns since 1999, and an introductory video with this theme was played at the start of each lecture. All three lectures highlighted how the theme applies even more now than it did back then.

One hundred and eighty-six Trumpet subscribers, including 27 who are not already PCG members, attended the Columbus, Ohio, campaign on May 21, where Mr. Stephen Flurry spoke on how many won’t heed the God’s warnings until America has already fallen. He encouraged Trumpet subscribers to “take what you know to be the truth and run with it, to use it, to live by it, to abide by it.” Because the campaigns coincided with the summer tour of the Philadelphia Church of God’s Irish dance production Celtic Throne, vocalists from the show sang “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” to conclude the event, prior to performing the next day at a theater in Columbus. Seventeen attendees signed up for a follow-up Bible study.

One campaign attendee said he was “lost for words at how important this is and has been for me.” He said, “I just got to a point in my life where everything just seemed like lies and just fake, and I was really getting into some despair in my life.” He said he recalled his father talking about the Trumpet magazine. Upon looking into it, he found the Trumpet Daily show, which he said has been “an incredible, incredible blessing.”

“The response was positive from non-members and was especially helpful in persuading members to purchase tickets who may have not done so due to long drives home,” PCG Regional Director Brian Davis said.

On June 4, Mr. Gerald Flurry spoke to 100 member and 72 non-member subscribers in Wilmington, Delaware, delivering the newest revelation about America Under Attack. Eighteen heads of household signed up for a follow-up Bible study.

A non-member attendee said he grew up reading Herbert W. Armstrong’s Plain Truth magazine. Decades later, a man he was talking to told him the Plain Truth still existed. He “went out to his truck and brought me in a copy of the Trumpet.”

The Church shipped literature to the location of each campaign to hand out to those who attended. Attendees were also able to fill out literature request sheets for books or booklets that weren’t available at the events. After a delay in the shipment to the Wilmington campaign, two members drove over a dozen hours, mostly late at night and early in the morning, to pick up and deliver the pallets of literature from a shipping depot and deliver them to the hotel ballroom.

One hundred and ninety-six people, including 55 non-members, attended the campaign in Raleigh, North Carolina. Celtic Throne vocalists who would be performing at a theater in Raleigh the following day sang “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee.”