In this chaotic and confusing world, people will often see tragedy strike and wonder, Where was God? Religious leaders offer platitudes, but those fall flat. Where is there hope today? It can be found in God’s holy day plan!
We find a summary of these annual holy days, or set feasts, in Leviticus 23.
Most people suppose these annual sabbaths and feast days of ancient Israel were done away. But Church history shows that the Church kept these days for many years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And they should be kept today.
God’s holy days were commanded to be kept every year—forever! You can read this in Leviticus 23:14, 21, 31 and 41. Paul and the first-century Christians kept God’s holy days, including the Days of Unleavened Bread (Acts 20:6).
God’s holy days are vitally important! And yet much of their meaning was lost over time. Do you understand why you need to keep God’s holy days? There is an awesome, hope-filled purpose!
Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which?, “The whole story of spiritual regeneration was, in these feast days, to be reenacted year after year continually. They have vitally important symbolism and meaning.”
God’s holy days provide a much needed yearly reminder of God’s plan of salvation for mankind. Without this reminder, God’s plan is quickly forgotten. How many modern descendants of ancient Israel—many of whom live in the United States and Britain today—have no idea that their ancestors kept God’s holy days, including the weekly Sabbath?
God’s ultimate plan for mankind is to re-create Himself. God wants to expand His Family! To help us understand His plan of salvation, God used the yearly agricultural harvest seasons in ancient Israel to picture the spiritual harvest of mankind. This is why God’s annual holy days are kept in the spring and autumn of each year.
“In the Holy Land there are two annual harvests,” Mr. Armstrong wrote. “First, is the spring grain harvest. Second, comes the fall harvest. God intended His holy days to picture to His Church repeatedly, year by year, the fact that only those He Himself calls during this age can become His begotten children now! And we are merely the firstfruits of the great spiritual harvest!” (ibid).
Pentecost is one of God’s holy days that is held in the spring. It reminds us that God is calling a small group of people today and teaching them to become teachers of God’s truth. They are being taught in preparation for the great fall harvest. The great fall harvest represents God calling all of mankind! Because modern Christianity does not observe God’s holy days, they falsely teach that today is the only day of salvation. But today is only a day of salvation.
“And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end” (Exodus 34:22).
This feast of ingathering is also called the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:34). This festival is followed immediately by the Last Great Day (John 7:37).
When understood together, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day reveal how fair, honest and just God is! Everyone will have a chance to know God and choose to obey Him! All will have a chance to choose life and be blessed! (Deuteronomy 30:19).
God’s festivals reveal that Christ’s sacrifice paid for our sins so that we can repent, that we must stop sinning with God’s help, that God is only calling a few today, that Christ will return and stop mankind from destroying itself, that Satan will be put away, and that all of mankind will learn God’s blessed way, including those who have died without knowing God’s truth.
God wants His people to keep all of His holy days every year so that we are constantly reminded of His plan of salvation for mankind. And the more times we keep these days, the richer their meaning should become in our lives!
This brief article only begins to scratch the surface of all that God’s holy days have to teach us. God’s holy day plan is truly one of magnificent hope!
To learn more about God’s holy days, please request Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which?