Weather Miraculous at Zimbabwe Family Day

ZIMBABWE—February 16 started as probably the wettest day in Harare this summer. Darkness from heavy clouds and downpours ate into the daylight hours, and Philadelphia Church of God members were anticipating a wet, muddy family day activity spent huddled under scanty cover in soggy clothing with no soccer, no volleyball, children unable to scamper about and no braai.

Yet there was football, volleyball, kids scampering about and a braai that day for 60 Zimbabwe members at a sports club close to downtown Harare as the sun came out and a gentle breeze contributed to fine weather for the event.

Regional Director Alex Harrison and his wife, Glenys, from Australia were present, along with Preaching Elder George Githembe and his wife, Purity, who live in South Africa, and Zimbabwe Local Elder John Rudolph and his wife, Sally. Along with other members, they gathered around a small open thatch shed for steaks, sausages and fresh vegetables, drinks and comfortable, easy conversation amid the sounds of children and parents running on the soccer field.

“This place is very nice and the opportunity to fellowship and express love to one another is something I am greatly enjoying,” said Aaron Sithole, a senior member of the Harare congregation.

Passing by, one member expressed his amazement at the change in weather; “Ye of little faith!” quipped Mr. Harrison, to laughter all round, commenting that God is also the God of weather.