Singles Participate in 2019 Winter Weekend

EDMOND–Singles from Canada, Costa Rica, England, Trinidad and the United States visited Philadelphia Church of God headquarters from Dec. 25-29, 2019, to attend a weekend activity with the theme of “Building God’s Family.” Coordinators Andrew Miiller and Deepika Azariah organized a number of activities for the 158 singles of all ages, including, basketball, board games, cornhole, a dance, dodgeball, a fun show, painting, pasta making, a progressive dinner, rock climbing, speed dating, topics sessions and wine tasting. Singles heard a special Bible study on Thursday about God’s perfect timing and attended the Edmond congregation Bible study and services on Sabbath, hearing an exhortation to embrace the singles program and its purpose of helping individuals sacrifice for each other in their relationships and do their part to build up the entire Church family. That evening, they attended the congregation’s pine car derby. The weekend ended Sunday evening with a formal dinner at Venue 102, Edmond, where attendees got to use their newly learned waltz steps on the dance floor, and where new headquarters singles coordinators were named: headquarters staff members Josuè Michels and Jessica Brandon.