Personal Appearance Campaigns Arrive in Detroit, Cincinnati

EDMOND—A Personal Appearance Campaign in Detroit, Michigan, on August 18-19, and Cincinnati, Ohio, on August 20, attracted 331 total Philadelphia Trumpet subscribers to hear lectures by executive editor Stephen Flurry about the need for increased urgency and taking action based on the truth.

Accompanying Mr. Flurry was Trumpet managing editor Joel Hilliker who produced a Trumpet Daily Radio Show episode about the lessons the rest of America should learn from Detroit’s fall from prosperity into poverty and crime. He also produced a Detroit campaign behind-the-scenes segment for his August 21 Trumpet Hour episode. In Detroit and in Cincinnati, he recorded video interviews of attendees and some footage for the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles Behind the Work video.

Mr. Flurry’s next Personal Appearance Campaign stops were in Chicago, Illinois, on September 15-16, and Indianapolis, Indiana, on September 17.