Campaigns Return to Chicago, Open in Indianapolis

EDMOND—A packed pre-Feast schedule of Personal Appearance Campaigns continued for Philadelphia Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry in Chicago, Illinois, on September 15-16, and in Indianapolis, Indiana, on September 17. Mr. Flurry’s three lectures attracted a total of 444 Trumpet subscribers.

Mr. Flurry, audio-video technician Samuel Livingston, and six Herbert W. Armstrong College students departed on the pcg’s Gulfstream g450 aircraft for Chicago on September 15. The pcg pilots navigated around a storm near Chicago and landed without issue.

That afternoon, Mr. Flurry spoke about the historically strong relationship between the United States and Israel, the purge of anti-Brexit members of Parliament from the Conservative Party by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and the temporary resurgence of America, Britain and Israel. He quoted the Prophet Amos, who warned that God would give people one last chance to heed His warning message. He implored listeners to ride the “flood” of opportunities that God makes available.

Of the 191 total attendees (131 of whom were not already members of the pcg), approximately a third had attended the July 2017 Chicago campaign with Trumpet editor in chief and Key of David presenter Gerald Flurry. Several attendees were also present at the 2006 Chicago campaign.

Mr. Flurry’s second Chicago lecture to 118 attendees (including 70 non-members) on September 16 covered the dangers of an entertainment-crazed, selfish society, and the need for total, about-face repentance. He contrasted Abel, who gave the best of his possessions as an offering to God, with his brother Cain, who gave a grudging offering. God corrected Cain, but he murdered Abel and refused to take responsibility for his sins. Mr. Flurry compared Cain’s example to modern society, in which people seek escape by indulging in vices rather than facing reality.

Mr. Flurry also spoke about the key to happiness: obedience to God’s law. He told a story about his experience on a high school basketball team that played about a third of its games on the Sabbath and whose coach admitted that he prioritized basketball over God’s law. Mr. Flurry said that it is one thing to say you’re religious and another to actually follow through and obey God.

As a result of the Chicago event, 36 subscribers who are not already pcg members signed up to attend the follow-up Bible study on September 22, 25 of whom attended.

Mr. Flurry flew to Indianapolis the next day for the first Trumpet campaign in that city. There, his lecture drew 135 subscribers (including 70 non-pcg members). Mr. Flurry said that the day’s date was the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787, and that the Constitution is built upon the principles of God’s law. He said that both the law of the land and the law of God are now viewed as restrictive and negative by many religious and political leaders. He said that God’s law is actually love and perfection, and urged listeners to set aside worldly pulls and start obeying God.

Following the lecture, 32 non-member subscribers signed up for the October 6 follow-up Bible study.

“I think one of the things that really stood out to me was just the absolute sincerity of the people who attended the PAC, and how they really do just need people to teach them,” Herbert W. Armstrong College student Harvey Powell said. “They’re reading a lot and trying to learn as much as they can, but they just need actual teachers, so it really just emphasized how important our work is to provide that education.”

After the lectures in Chicago and in Indianapolis, lines of people formed to speak with Mr. Flurry, as well as Northeast United States Regional Director Cal Culpepper and Ohio Local Elder Victor Vejil. Mr. Culpepper had noticed that some at the back of such lines at previous campaign events had eventually decided to leave before chatting with the ministers, so this time, he produced a sign-up sheet for attendees who instead wanted to talk on the phone with a minister later. In Chicago, 32 signed up; in Indianapolis, six expressed interest.

Mr. Flurry’s last scheduled campaign in North America took place in Ocala, Florida, on September 29. Campaign department staff said that, after a break from campaigning for the fall holy days, Mr. Gerald Flurry will resume presenting the events.

Listen to Mr. Flurry discuss the Chicago-Indianapolis campaign on his September 17 episode of The Trumpet Daily Radio Show.