Northwest Youth Build Skills, Score Goals
Soccer training program in Oregon teaches young people the basics.

OREGON—Twelve youths from the Portland and Seattle congregations of the Philadelphia Church of God participated in the third annual Northwest soccer-training program from November to March. The 5-to-12-year-olds honed their skills under the guidance of Portland member Matt Young for one Sunday each month.

“There has been a big growth curve,” Young said, “from the first year learning they can’t touch the ball with their hands, to the third year experiencing mixed scrimmages with the adults imbedded as coaches.”

The goal of the soccer program is to help prepare the youth for the organized team sports they will one day play at Philadelphia Youth Camp. Young and the parents of the players say that the activity is guided by the admonitions of Herbert W. Armstrong and pcg Pastor General Gerald Flurry to prepare God’s youth for the World Tomorrow through physical activities that develop self-confidence, camaraderie, character and obedience to government.