Ohio Members Host Singles Event
Northeast members experience ‘engaging, exciting’ game night.

OHIO—Twenty-eight singles from six congregations of the Philadelphia Church of God gathered in Dayton on January 21 for dinner and a team-building games night.

After a fondue-themed dinner, the group was organized into three teams and provided with random index cards each containing the name of a fellow single. Singles wrote down what they most admired about the individuals named on their cards.

“Receiving the index cards at the beginning of the evening made the whole event more positive,” Kansas member Siobhan Simmons said. “It took the focus off ourselves and helped us to concentrate on others.”

The group also participated in an enhanced and unique game of charades. All were instructed to select one of many brown paper bags filled with a mystery costume to wear while performing their charade. Members acted out clues created by the opposing teams, such as “triple bypass surgery” and “President Trump’s inauguration parade.” Costumes varied from boxing gloves to bacon and eggs. Following charades, singles participated in a game of Pictionary.

To conclude the activity, Local Church Elder Larry Walker recited the positive qualities of each attendee on the anonymous index cards handed out at the beginning of the night. The responses were both heartfelt and humorous.

Pennsylvania single Jonathan Weese said, “The singles winter weekend in Dayton was engaging, exciting, and filled with stimulating conversation.”