Northwest Members Share Creative Activities
Fireside chat, 5k, capture the flag and goofball championship

OREGON—Eighty-three members from the Northwest congregations of the Philadelphia Church of God attended the region’s 20th Labor Day Campout on September 2 through 7 at Feyrer State Park in Molalla.

Members heard a split sermon at Sabbath services the next day. Local Church Elder Darren Verbout admonished everyone to prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles, and Preaching Elder Gareth Fraser pointed out references to Malalla from the autobiography of theologian and educator Herbert W. Armstrong.

After services, a new baptism and a meal, campers shared a fireside chat with a theme of Jude 1. Members shared examples of angelic protection and preservation that they knew about or had experienced.

Almost 40 Northwesterners of all ages kicked off Sunday’s activities with a 5-kilometer run. A group of adults and children visited a miniature railroad train ride and park, and later, campers played in the annual goofball championship and a nighttime game of capture the flag.

“This year’s campout was even better the second time at this location,” member and organizer Brian Hallett said. “Last year’s was fantastic; this year’s was fantastic-squared!”