Fort Worth Congregation Showcases Philadelphia Youth Camp
Youth present replica of PYC

TEXAS—Youth from the Fort Worth congregation of the Philadelphia Church of God held a showcase on August 29 for the members of the congregation that demonstrated what the teens had learned at Philadelphia Youth Camp.

Families, seniors and singles rushing back from the online Bible study were organized into four dorms: 1G, 2G, 1B and 2B. Camp counselors and local deacons David Carpenter and Jeffrey Miller, along with their wives, led the dorms in pyc activities.

The groups came up with dorm names: Esther’s Elite, Hannah’s Humble Highnesses, Samuel’s Overcomers of Satan (SOS) and Walker’s Worldwide Warriors.

y.o.u. members and pyc hopefuls answered questions about what they are looking forward to at their first pyc in a replica of Stick Night.

y.o.u. member Justin Jones, who has never been to camp, said the experience “was pretty cool. I learned about leadership and sports at camp, and it made me want to go to camp.”

The members also listened as previous campers gave speeches and showed presentation boards describing life at camp.

Some of the congregation told y.o.u. member Brett Roberts that this was the first time they had heard what went on during pyc. Roberts said, “As a result, they plan to work even that much harder to support the campers.”