Know Your Bible: God’s Work Ethic
What the Bible says about hard work.

This article was written by the former office manager of the Philadelphia Church of God, Pastor Tim Thompson, who died in 2003.

Does God care how hard you work?

There are more than 790 scripture references to labor and work in the Bible. God has a lot to say about the importance of work in developing godly character. The book of Proverbs is filled with references to work and industriousness versus laziness.

Jesus Christ was sent to Earth by the Father to work (John 9:4; 17:4). Christ describes Himself and the Father in John 5:17 by saying, “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” God Almighty Himself and His Son are busy, active Beings who are constantly accomplishing and working! And their work is perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4). We must learn to do the same!

Adolescence, and even childhood, is the best time to learn God’s work ethic. Learning this lesson of diligent work early in life will provide great rewards.

Let’s look to God’s Word for instruction in a right attitude toward work and the rewards that hard work brings. We suggest writing out the Bible verses as you look them up to help you understand and remember them. So get your Bible, a pen and some paper, and we’ll begin!

Work Brings Prosperity

1. Does God want us to prosper in this life? 3 John 2. Does God want every aspect of our lives to prosper abundantly, including our physical health and finances, as well as our spiritual lives? John 10:10. Should we profit from our labors? Proverbs 14:23.

2. Can diligent work make you richer? Proverbs 10:4. But is obtaining wealth the ultimate goal of work? Proverbs 23:4-5.

God wants us to prosper abundantly—spiritually, physically and financially. The focus of our labors, however, must not be financial because wealth is so short-lived. If riches are our primary goal and events cause us to lose our money, such as in the stock market crash of 1929, then we see, as they did then, people committing suicide to get insurance money for their families. If riches fail, we should still have our ultimate goal of obtaining God’s Kingdom securely in place (Matthew 6:33). We do this by keeping God’s commandments and following biblical principles of Christian living, including having a godly approach and perspective toward work and money.

3. Does God intend that we enjoy our work and the profits we receive from it? Ecclesiastes 2:24; 3:22.

God Commands Work

1. Did God intend for mankind to maintain and beautify the Earth? Genesis 2:15. Was mankind charged with the responsibility of subduing the Earth? Genesis 1:26-28.

To subdue the Earth means to produce from, develop and care for the plants and animals on Earth and to keep them from becoming out of control or getting overgrown or falling into deterioration. Man was put on Earth to cultivate and beautify it. But through sloth and laziness, many areas of the Earth are filthy, disease-ridden and chaotic. Even the very universe is in the “bondage of corruption”—or decay and destruction caused by Satan’s rebellion—and is now awaiting the birth of God’s spirit Family at the first resurrection so they can restore the planets to their original beauty (Romans 8:18-23). This will all take a tremendous amount of work! That is why we must develop a willing attitude toward work now.

2. Does God command us to work? Exodus 20:9.

Just as resting on the Sabbath is a command, so is the instruction to labor the other six days of the week. That part of the command must not be ignored!

3. Does the Apostle Paul strongly support this command to work? 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12. If we are fit and able to work, but do not, should we receive public welfare? Verse 10. Are we to keep ourselves busy so we don’t become corrupted by gossip? Verses 11-12. Is it a shame not to work when we are able? Verse 14.

4. Are we to become self-sufficient through our work? 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12.

The Revised Standard Version renders verse 12: “So that you may command the respect of outsiders, and be dependent on nobody.”

5. If we work hard in a godly manner, will that provide us the necessities of life? Proverbs 20:13; 28:19.

6. Where can mankind find a good example of an excellent, dedicated worker? Proverbs 6:6-8.

If numbers were the main criteria, then ants are the most successful creatures on Earth, with a global population estimated by scientists to be 10,000 trillion! The ant has “no leader, no foreman or chief” (verse 7; Moffatt), yet is perhaps the most diligent worker on Earth, with a built-in, programmed ability to literally run from job to job all day long! All of us would do well to learn the lesson God gives us about the ant. But instead, it seems most people have to be constantly supervised to do productive work.

Benefits for Work, Curses for Laziness

1. Do the hard workers, the “diligent,” become rulers, or leaders, over the slothful? Proverbs 12:24; 22:29.

Good workers are self-starters. They produce a good day’s labor for their wages and require little supervision to do a good, thorough job. They are the ones who receive the raises and promotions and are given praises by the owners and upper management. Those who do not have a proper, godly work ethic and are lazy, slow, slothful workers are passed over for raises and promotions and end up jealous of their new bosses—the diligent workers who were promoted over them.

2. Do those who refuse to diligently work end up coveting the possessions of hard workers? Proverbs 13:4; 21:25-26.

As Herbert W. Armstrong taught us, there are two ways of life: give and get. The righteous, diligent worker always has the ability to give, and he doesn’t hold back; the slothful, lazy person only greedily covets what others have, but refuses to work for what he wants.

3. Do slothful, lazy people always find an excuse not to work? Proverbs 26:13-15. Do lazy people try to justify why they can’t work? Verse 16; Proverbs 14:23 (penury means poverty). Should a little physical discomfort be an excuse not to work? Proverbs 20:4. Is laziness habit-forming? Proverbs 19:15. Is a slothful person’s poverty actually caused by a lack of drive and a poor work ethic? Proverbs 6:9-11.

4. What is a sluggard, or lazy person, like to his employer? Proverbs 10:26.

Employers are extremely irritated by employees who plod along in their job with a ho-hum, same-routine-every-day attitude. We need to work with energy! We need to grow in our jobs, studying to improve our skills. We need to produce and accomplish, really applying ourselves and showing our employers that we are thankful for the work and the income, and that we are trying to do an excellent job. If we will do this, then God will bless us. Otherwise we become “vinegar to the teeth” and “smoke to the eyes” of our employers and we lose God’s blessings.

5. Can we tell how diligent a person is by the appearance of the physical things in their life—for example, their house and the yard or land around it? Ecclesiastes 10:18; Proverbs 24:30-34.

If the paint on the house is peeling, the fences are falling down, and the property is overgrown with weeds, it is obvious what spiritual condition the owner is in. Even in poverty, an able person can keep his property clean and orderly. And if the person is handicapped or unable to work due to physical problems, then family and friends should help maintain a godly and orderly home and yard. There are always proper answers to difficulties if we seek them diligently.

Judged by Our Work

1. Are we to be obedient to our employers and please them with our work? Titus 2:9-10. Should we avoid arguing with or talking back to our employers? Verse 9. Must we be loyal to our employers, not stealing from them by slacking off in our work? Verse 10.

Purloining is breaking someone’s trust, showing disloyalty.

2. When we have a job, who are we actually working for? Colossians 3:22-24. Should we fear God if we are poor employees? Verses 22 and 25.

3. Does God know our works now? Revelation 2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8, 15. Does it matter what our works are in this life? 1 Corinthians 3:8-15.

4. We are saved by God’s grace (Acts 15:11; Ephesians 2:5, 8), but are we rewarded with our eternal inheritance because of our works in this life? Matthew 16:27; Revelation 22:12.

Yes, eternal life is God’s gift to you, paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But what you will be doing forever—what you are qualified for—depends on you! That’s why your future job in the God Family is the “reward” of the saved—it must be earned! God has eternal life, and He does good works. When He gives you eternal life, you will do good works too! What you do for all eternity depends on your works now, in this life!

We must work hard at our earthly jobs and develop godly character and good work habits. That hard work will pay off greatly in later years and set your feet now on a path filled with God’s blessings!

And above all, it is through applying a strong work ethic in our spiritual lives that we will secure our individual places in God’s soon-coming government! As Philippians 2:12 says, “[W]ork out your own salvation with fear and trembling”!