Students and Faculty Dine and Dance at Thanksgiving Ball
Students add an international flair to the college’s annual ball.

EDMOND—One hundred twenty-six students, faculty and guests gathered in the John Amos Field House gymnasium on November 23 for the annual Herbert W. Armstrong College Thanksgiving ball.

AC seniors and freshmen spent the night before and the day of the event preparing food with a Caribbean twist, and adorning the gym with pinecones, leaves and lights. Attendees mingled in front of the stage around the “Fountain of Truth”—a waterfall constructed from blue saran wrap, lights, brown paper scrunched to form rocks, and surrounded with cover-page printouts of pcg literature.

After Student Body President Abraham Blondeau raised a toast to “count our blessings in the midst of crisis,” event coordinator Kyle Cocomise opened the dance portion of the evening, held on stage.

Cocomise narrated two freeze dances. Justin Yocum and Victoria Terrell claimed victory for the student freeze dance, while homiletics instructor Brian Davis and his wife slow-danced to success in the faculty freeze dance.

“The highlight of my night—and probably everyone else’s—was the faculty freeze dance contest,” assistant coordinator Tasha Eagle said. “The Flurrys and Hillikers were hilariously awesome to watch. We tried really hard to make it as festive and fun as possible, and I think it went off splendidly.”

Students assembled in front of the waterfall for class photos before the evening concluded around 9:30. They then dispersed to restore the gym to its former state, put away food, and clean up dishes.

“I think the best time to see the student body in its natural, most festive state is during cleanup of any formal event. It’s always great to see everyone’s personality and fun side come out,” Cocomise said. “Overall, everything ran very smoothly and everyone that helped out executed flawlessly in making sure everything got done.”