Habakkuk: Wonder Marvelously
Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Prophet Habakkuk wrote of nuclear winter. Still, he possessed a relentlessly positive outlook. How did he develop such a living hope? How can you build this hope in your life?

God gave Habakkuk hope in the form of a unique end-time vision. This vision connects a legal battle to the unparalleled destruction immediately preceding Jesus Christ’s return. Learn Habakkuk’s key to escaping the most gruesome warfare mankind has ever seen. Discover not only how to survive, but how to thrive in these dangerous days—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

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A recent court case pitted David versus Goliath in an epic battle for God’s truth. One group poured time, money and resources into preserving that truth. The other group worked overtime to suppress and destroy it. Habakkuk prophesied of a double-wonder miracle to occur in this lawsuit—and it did. God gave His loyal remnant the victory that the courts wouldn’t. To realize the imminence of Jesus Christ’s return, you need to understand Habakkuk’s prophecy and the legal struggle that fulfilled it. To grasp the connection between this court case and a German war machine poised to spark World War III, you need to request and study Gerald Flurry’s booklet on Habakkuk.

For a detailed account of the life-and-death court battle prophesied in Habakkuk, request Stephen Flurry’s book Raising the Ruins. You need to understand what happened to God’s Work immediately following Herbert W. Armstrong’s death nearly 30 years ago. You need to know where God is working today. You will find the answers in Raising the Ruins. This gripping story exposes Mr. Armstrong’s wayward successors and explains how a tiny remnant is carrying on his proud legacy.